Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Interesting Progress

I have begun to learn about CPA (Cash Per Action) online money making, and I can definatly see how if you can get traffic you could ABSOLUTLY make a living from this one simple thing. However, the difficult part I am finding with CPA is Finding one of the many sites that offer affiliate CPA links that will accept your application. It is very much so like applying for a job, and not having any pratical experience in it as of yet, I am finding it hard to persue this like I want. I am going to keep working at it though, as I know this is a good way to go, you just have to find a way in! I was accepted to one site and started making a little bit of money but for some reason, my account was suspended and so I am trying to get that issue resolved. I have also been dabbling a little bit in affiliate marketing (Such as clickbank and amazon) where these companies pay you a percentage for promoting and selling their product. So far, I am finding this quite difficult, because with a company like amazon, most people will just go straight to their site, and with any other site, it is all about getting traffic to your “ad” (I have been utilizing facebook to post ads for products so far but in the future will be branching out to my own website) I am definatly starting to understand all this affiliate marketing stuff, but it is difficult to get started as getting a blog/website/ad publicized and rated and at a point where people will see it if they search for it is incredibly difficult, but I am going to keep at it, as I know you can be successful in this field and I have studied and learned TO MUCH to give up now! Oh and a word of caution to anyone looking into making money online in this fashion, I would seriously try to steer clear of any products that are going to cost you money for the most part. There are now a couple I have bought, One I regret, One has been great and recently I bought a lot of info for $11 that has so far been very informative. I have also gotten a lot of FREE downloads that will tell you how to make money and am currently researching these as we speak (I will contact the man I got the free products from and the $11 downloads from and see if I can post it on my blog for anyone interested in educating themselves) I have also found an amazing group called family networker that is a great support group for anyone in affiliate marketing no matter what level you are at, and they have a skype chat that is always open so you always have access to real people if you have questions. They have been very helpful also! I hope this blog has been helpful as it is still pretty shady but I wanted to keep you all updated on where I am on this research. I will keep you posted on my journey in online money making as I go and good luck to anyone out there trying to make a living from home!

*Posted on my original blog on February 18th 2012

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